We Are The Central Pacific Ministry Network
The Assemblies of God is the largest Pentecostal denomination in the world, serving some 69 million adherents and is comprised of Christians, Churches, Ministers, and Ministries.
The Central Pacific Ministry Network serves approximately 144 churches, 268 credentialed ministers, and 25,000 adherents in the Northern California and Northern Nevada region. We exist to be a resource to the Spanish speaking community of believers and are called to fulfill the Great Commission by partnering with and empowering church leaders to develop healthy, growing Christians & churches; and to advance the Kingdom of God by reaching the lost.
We exist to empower our Ministers and Churches to fulfill their Mission
To see Healthy, Effective and Relevant Ministers reproducing Healthy, Effective and Relevant Ministries.
Passionately Proclaim, at Home and Abroad, by Word and Deed, Jesus as Savior, Baptizer in the Holy Spirit, Healer and Soon Coming King
5 E’s “Engage, Encourage, Equip, Empower, and Expand”