Lee Rogers is the Student Evangelism Director for Assemblies of God YouthMinistries. With 25 years of experience working with teenagers and youth leaders,Lee is passionate about cultivating missional youth ministries by empowering students and leaders to share Jesus. He served as a youth pastor in Philadelphia and Central Pennsylvania, then served as a Youth Alive Missionary. Prior to his current role, Lee served as the Youth Director for the PennDel Ministry Network. A frequent speaker at youth conventions, camps and retreats, Lee is the author o fNextGen High Scores: How to Win at Ministry to the NextGeneration. He has alsoauthored several books to help students share Jesus, and led the team that createdthe Alive in Five tool for students to explain the Gospel. He is a graduate of theUniversity of Valley Forge and holds a doctoral degree from Regent University. Hiswife, Christine, is an accomplished educator, and they reside in Springfield, MO, with their son Judah.
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